
Partner Docs

Merchant Docs

Understanding Mandate Lifecycles

State Webhooks

Like for our other resources (Payments, Paylinks), merchants can subscribe to mandate state webhooks via POST/v2/webhooks. Mandate states include:

Mandate StateDefinition
createdA new Mandate resource has been created.
pendingMandate is pending amendment authorization
activeMandate is active and eligible for payment requests.
cancelledMandate has been cancelled by the consumer, payer bank, or merchant.
declinedMandate creation or amendment has been declined by the consumer or payer bank.
expiredMandate has passed its expiry date.
failedMandate creation was unsuccessful.
suspendedMandate has been suspended (paused) by the consumer, payer bank, or merchant.

Please note that separate calls are required to subscribe to Mandate and Payment webhooks.

Error Handling

Mandate related errors are communicated to merchants through both a state_reason and a latest_error object that provide additional context required to handle unhappy path scenarios.


state_reason: Provides context on any change in Mandate or Payment state for any reason.

latest_error: Provides context when a change in Mandate or Payment state is the result of error.

Mandate Errors:

Reason / Error CodeContext
MANDATE_INELIGIBLE_AMOUNTA payment failed because the amount was outside the parameters of the mandate agreement.
MANDATE_INELIGIBLE_COUNTA payment failed because the transaction limit in the mandate agreement was exceeded.
MANDATE_EXPIREDThe mandate agreement has expired.
MANDATE_INACTIVEThe mandate is not active or has been suspended.
MANDATE_INELIGIBLEThe payment contents do not align with the agreement terms.
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